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Scratch Game Design

(Grades 3-5)

Video Game Design (Scratch)

Our Video Game Design classes tap into a child’s love of video games to teach coding with MIT's Scratch graphical programming language. It serves as an excellent introductory language to video game design and general programming. 


$79/mo In-Person Classes

These hour-long classes allow your student to learn in person in small 12-person groups. 


  • 3 monthly classes & 3 game design projects

  • 8-to-1 student to teacher ratio


*We ask that Video Game Design students who have not taken The Robot Garage Video Game Design classes already, take one month of the introduction course and then move up to Intermediate.  

In-Person Class Schedule

Note: Students must enroll in the three week Introduction class before advancing to Intermediate

Intro to Video Game Design (Scratch)



Video Game Design - Intermediate (Scratch)



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What Parents Are Saying

"This was a great class to affirm my son's love for gaming and intro him to coding!"

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